Combining The Phil Blecker material
videos and audio

Finished a documentary about Dracula
| YouTube | Imdb |

Always uploading material on my four dropbox channels
| Ana Narrates | Ana Narează | Phil | Dr. Bob |

My narration of Dracula has been published on Audible and I have promo codes for those interested in them.
| Audible |

Narrating The Way of Transformation

Narrating " Meeting the Shadow The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature"

*Los Angeles Bridges

 I began shooting the Bridges of LA back in 2007 when my friend Kevin Break would visit them. I shot them differently than him, because his focus was photography but I began to shoot film.  From then, I began to collect footage for a documentary featuring photographer Kevin Break in his adventures in the L.A. River. 

That is how I came up with the show called Los Angeles Bridges.  In this documentary series, we explore the Bridges of Down Town Los Angeles as we drive under them, fly above them or drive over them.

Episode 1                                                                                                                            Episode 2


Episode 3                                                                                                                     Episode 4 coming soon